How should dental care be during pregnancy?

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How should dental care be during pregnancy?


How should dental care be during pregnancy?
We need effective care for a lifetime to ensure the continuity of our oral and dental health.

However, women are concerned about oral and dental health in certain periods of their lives; should pay more attention during puberty, pregnancy, menopause and menstruation.

How should I be fed during pregnancy for my dental health?
During pregnancy, breast milk and dairy products and green leafy vegetables should be consumed and calcium-rich foods should be consumed. If sufficient calcium is not provided with the foods taken, the calcium needed for the development of the baby is met from the mother’s bones.

If you are fed well and take care of adequate oral and dental care, you will not encounter different oral and dental problems during pregnancy than normal times. Nutrition during pregnancy is important for the general health of both the baby and the mother, as well as oral and dental health. Your baby’s dental development starts from the 5th and 6th weeks.

Take care to consume vitamins A, C, D and phosphorus, main foods rich in calcium, fruits, vegetables, cereal products, dairy products and dairy products,
Foods such as meat, fish and eggs should be consumed,
You should try not to consume sugary foods as much as you can,
You should avoid sugary foods that stick to the teeth, such as caramel and dried fruit.
Are there any drawbacks to having dental treatment while pregnant?
Since the baby has an organ development phase in the first trimester of pregnancy, you should avoid effective dental treatment in the first 3 months.
Better to postpone your dental appointments for the second three months.
In some emergency situations (tooth or gingivitis), the thought that the infection may affect the development of your baby more than the disadvantages of dental treatment should be brought to the fore and the necessary dental treatment should be applied with the advice of your gynecologist.