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Dental Health at Biz Bize with Işılay Gedik (Beykent TV – 31 Aug 2016)

Güliz KILINÇOĞLU SORKUN who is our expert in Bakirkoy Esthetic Dent was a guest on Dental Healt on BizBize with Işılay Gedik that a new expert give information about their field on every each programs, publised on 29th August 2016.

Mrs. SORKUN gave information about what we should do in order to have healthy teeth and need to know about dental health with questions.

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– It is the upper part of the tooth and is the only place that can be clearly seen with the eye. The shape of the crown determines the function of the tooth. For example, the front teeth have a sharp shape for extracting food and molars have flat surfaces for grinding food.

Gingival Line
– It is where the tooth and gum meet. If proper brushing and tooth cleaning are not done, plaque and tartar can form in the gum line, causing gingivitis and gum disease.

– It is the part of the tooth that is embedded in the bone. The root makes up about two-thirds of the tooth and holds the tooth in place.

– It is the outermost layer of the tooth. Enamel is also the hardest and most mineralized tissue in the body. If proper mouth cleaning is not provided, the condition can result in bruising.

– It is the tooth layer under the enamel. If it can move through the rotten enamel, the next place it will reach is dentin. In this section there are millions of canals leading to the pulp.

– Soft tissue in the center of the tooth where nerve tissues and blood vessels are located. Pain is usually felt when the bruise reaches the pulp.

How many types of teeth are there?

Each tooth has a specific function:

– Sharp front teeth used for cutting food (Four on top and four on bottom).

– These teeth, also called canines, have sharp tips and are useful for plucking.

Small molars
– There are two bumps (pointed ends) on the chewing surfaces of these teeth. It serves to crumble and tear small molars.

Molar Teeth
They are used to grind food. There are multiple bumps on the chewing surface.

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Environmental Factors

False sensations of our children from the school and its surroundings, together with their parents.

2. Wrong Experiences

Observing some dental service practices by the child in unsuitable conditions and preparing children for fear without explanation;

a) Having a bad experience with physicians who are not suitable for child psychology, which the child will have and will never forget.

b) Children’s Dentistry; The place, decoration, music and staff suitable for child psychology, and the expert or willing dentists who have received this training, combined love and patience in dentistry.

c) Children should never and never start treatment on their first visit to the dentist, they should only meet, get to know the environment and their families, prepare them for a warm and loving encounter, and never be forced into treatment. The treatments and controls to be made should be explained to the children simply without going into details, and the families should be explained with all the details. They should stay away from all behaviors that will cause the child to be afraid, and they should be distracted with objects that will attract attention in the game environment and the environment should be loved.

d) When the treatments are started, the sessions should be kept very short. Because it is not long for the child to keep his mouth open without fear. In these short sessions, starting with the easiest and painless procedures will ensure the child’s confidence and reinforce their relationship with the physician. Thus, our children will come running again of their own free will for other operations.

Family Factors

Turkish families often make their children do what they want by scaring them in child education. This method is very wrong. For example, do not misbehave, I have an injection at the dentist, I have your teeth extracted, the doctor will give you an injection, eat your food quickly. In this family type, it is very difficult and takes a long time to normalize the oral and dental health doctor-patient relationships of children. Rarely, there are situations where ideal physician-child relationships cannot be achieved. In these conditions, oral and dental treatments of these children can be provided by very special methods (general anesthesia) or by being put to sleep in the operating room environment with sedation. This environment is offered by families and physicians as a last resort. After all possibilities have been found and no other remedies are found, the purpose of this method is to regulate the child’s oral and dental health, to get rid of abscesses, inflammations that affect the general body, and most importantly, the treatment is terminated without creating psychological permanent fears because the child will not remember the procedures.


Families must first give correct information to their children about the fear in the child caused by environmental, familial and false experiences, and tell the dentists to show them cute and explain that what they see is not about them. Because children will be together with these physicians for a long time between the ages of 4-16 and afterwards.

Secondly, children can overcome this fear; The appropriate place for these individuals, decoration, music, trained staff, experienced, patient, loving and equipped with modern dentistry can be formed with the efforts of willing and expert physicians. These are the general rules of children’s oral and dental health. As adults, we still have fears in our past due to bad memories with one or more of the issues mentioned above. By not treating it, we cannot count the number of sleepless nights, and as a result, most of us have difficulties in eating with the empty places of our teeth that are closed in their mouths without delay. Or, we have one or more fillings in our mouth, which we have now made very difficult. For this reason, most of us chewing and grinding problems have turned into stomach diseases. Families and physicians can solve these problems together patiently and successfully over time.

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In elderly patients who do not use prostheses, depression on the face and lips, shrinkage in the mouth and wrinkles starting from the corners of the lips occur.
Erythric Dentistry

In elderly individuals;

* Dulling in the color of the teeth, crowding of the lower incisors
* With the formation of diastema, the disappearance of papillary
* Dark triangles between the proximals of the teeth
* Abrasion on cutting edges
* Crack, discoloration
* Gingival recessions
* Severe bone loss in alveolar bone, especially in edentulous areas
* Decrease in salivary secretion, therefore decrease in prosthesis tolerance

In elderly patients who do not use prosthesis, depression on the face and lips, shrinkage in the mouth and wrinkles starting from the corners of the lips occur. Various problems related to the prosthesis can be seen in patients using prosthesis.

a) Prosthetic Stomatitis:

It is an inflammatory change in the oral mucosa caused by the use of prosthesis. Three types of denture stomatitis can be defined.

Type I; Localized inflammation and small hyperemic areas in the form of pins; It develops as a result of mechanical trauma due to prostheses. It heals by correcting the prostheses and providing appropriate occlusal relations.

Type II; Inflammation characterized by diffuse erythema (diffuse stomatitis).

Type III; Non-neoplastic papillary hyperplasia (granular prosthetic stomatitis, inflammatory papillary hyperplasia) with varying degrees of inflammation.

Prosthetic Teeth

b) Angular Cheilitis:

The decrease in the vertical neck of the face, the moist lip corners and the fissures formed in the corners of the lips as a result of cheek sucking.

Implant application in elderly people; If the anatomical and systemic characteristics of the patient are suitable, the connection between the implant and the bone can be successful in posterior tooth deficiencies, in individuals with age is not an obstacle for implant treatment and with good oral hygiene.

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What We Need To Know About Teeth

What We Need To Know About Teeth

Dentist: Families must first give correct information to their children about the fear in the child caused by environmental, familial and wrong experiences, and tell them that their sensations or what they see are not related to them, and they must show and explain the dentists as cute. Because children will be together with these physicians for a long time between the ages of 4-16 and afterwards. Secondly, children can overcome this fear; The appropriate place for these individuals, decoration, music, trained staff, experienced, patient, loving and equipped with modern dentistry can be formed with the efforts of willing and expert physicians. These are the general rules of children’s oral and dental health.

Teeth Whitening: After tooth whitening is applied, there is no return in tooth color. However, there are patients who could not get 5% results due to genetic reasons and drug use.
Apart from these, detertra (tooth cleaning) is sufficient to remove the effects of food on the teeth after the procedure. However, if the individual wishes to repeat the procedure, it can be applied again only after 2 years.

Implant: Today, implant treatment and applications are becoming widespread, and accordingly, implant types are also increasing. Whether there is a single tooth or more than one tooth missing, if there is an appropriate amount of bone for implant placement, implant treatment can be applied for any situation. Many people turn to implant treatment because of such reasons and advantages.

Dental Zirconium: Zirconium oxide, which is a high-tech product and has proven its durability as a heat shield in space shuttles and as a brake disc in sports cars, is currently used by dentists. Developed by zirconium smart ceramics for dentistry, this high-tech ceramic has a great potential to bring a new perspective to prosthetic treatment.

Orthodontics: Braces are one of the most important trump cards that experts apply to provide aesthetic smile.
In cases where the teeth are slightly and severely perplexed, in cases where the lower and upper teeth rows are closed, the jaws are positioned incorrectly in relation to the face and / or each other, the braces are used.With orthodontic treatment, the teeth are moved slowly to reach the most correct position.

Prosthetics Specialist: According to the prosthesis specialist, prostheses also have a lifetime and should be renewed in at least two to a maximum of five years. Otherwise, the adaptation of the prosthesis to the changed tissues will be impaired and its use will be difficult. Also, you or someone else should not do or do any procedures such as abrasion or additional repair on your prosthesis without the control of your prosthesis specialist.
In all kinds of problems you encounter, you should definitely consult a dental prosthesis specialist.

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Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries and deformities of the mouth, teeth and jaws.


Wisdom teeth start to take their places in the mouth between the ages of 15-20. However, in cases where there is not enough space for these teeth in the jaws, they cannot continue and remain under the gum or embedded in the jawbone. 20-year-old teeth, which cannot find a place for themselves, put pressure by pushing the front tooth and this causes crowding. In addition, they can easily become inflamed because they are far behind and the gums around them are not in normal anatomical structure.

What are the situations that require wisdom teeth to be extracted?

1- Caries: Since the 20-year-old teeth are far behind in terms of location and usually cannot be carried in the correct direction, cleaning and maintenance is more difficult and therefore it is easier to decay. After decay, these teeth are difficult to treat because they are far behind. Also, root canal treatment cannot be applied in most cases due to root canal structures that are much different from other teeth. For these reasons, extractions are preferred in order to prevent situations such as pain, abscess and bad breath that may occur as a result of caries.

2- Effects on the second molar teeth: Since the wisdom teeth are generally unable to continue in a proper position, they may cause loss of substance and decay in the neighboring teeth due to the accumulation of food residues around them or the pressure they apply to the molar teeth next to them. In this way, 20-year-old teeth, which have the potential to damage, should also be removed.

3- Pericoronitis: (peripheral gingival inflammation) In cases where the 20-year-old teeth are partially buried, an infection may develop due to bacteria accumulating between the gums on it. In the meantime, conditions such as facial swelling, difficulty in opening mouth, pain, bad breath, swelling in the lymph glands and fever can be seen.

4- Crooked teeth: When 20-year-old teeth cannot continue in the normal position, it may cause mobility in other teeth due to the pressure applied to the teeth during riding, and situations such as crooked teeth may be encountered.

5- Pain: When wisdom teeth cannot continue in their normal positions, they can cause pain with the pressure they apply to the side teeth.

6- Cyst formation: In cases where 20-year-old teeth are fully embedded or partially embedded, they can cause cyst formation in some patients. This situation can be diagnosed with the panoramic x-ray taken by your physician during the examination.

7- Cheek biting: Although it is not very common, 20-year-old teeth can generally cause cheek biting and injury to the mucosa in patients because they cannot continue in a normal position. In such cases, it is appropriate to remove the wisdom teeth since they do not function normally.

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About Us

Bakırköy Esthetic Dent was established in 2014. Bakırköy Esthetic Dent, established in the center of Bakırköy which is one of the most central places of Istanbul in the field of dental health, realizes the aim of hast to be able to laugh without hesitation, fearlessly and shamelessly an.

Our target; Our mission is to provide the best service to our patients and to be worthy of their trust provided that they do not leave the principle of honesty and honesty in line with our vision and vision.


Our mission is to provide quality and economic services to our patients, regardless of religion, language, race and gender, with respect to ethical values, respect for patient rights, and preventive health practices as well as therapeutic practices related to oral and dental health.


To be a center to meet the oral and dental health needs of our patients with a modern management system with the latest technology and applications of dentistry.



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Why Should Expired Restorations (Fillers And Crowns) Be Renewed?

There are some reasons for this;

REPEATING CARIES; Conditions that cause initial caries can also predispose to further decay around the filling. If the tooth is not kept clean, it may decay again from the edges of the filling. If there is a crown on the tooth and oral care is not paid attention, decay can easily start between the crown and the tooth. As mentioned earlier, if the caries is not treated, the decay can invade the nerve chamber of the tooth and cause a p s. These events will result in root canal treatment or loss of the tooth.

WEAR; Although there are many factors that affect the life of a restoration, the average life of a silver (amalgam) fill, crown or bridge is 5 to 15 years. The average life of composites (plastic-tooth colored filling) is 5 to 10 years. Constant forces applied to teeth and fillings by chewing are the cause of wear. In some cases, porcelain or gold crowns wear out due to the constant grinding of the opposite tooth.

CRACKS; During the day, our teeth are subjected to more physical forces than we can imagine. Even while eating, the square centimeter of our teeth is subjected to pressures worth hundreds of kilograms-force. Biting pressure and chewing on hard foods can cause fine cracks in teeth or restorations.

ABRASIONS; If timely measures are not taken for cracks, the teeth will break or wear out. More expensive and elaborate processes become required. Crowns are recommended for this type of teeth. Sometimes these cracks and abrasions are also found in the porcelain crown. A worn porcelain has expired and begins to crumble. Determining the wear on the existing porcelain crowns during routine controls and taking the necessary precautions will prolong the life of the restoration.

AESTHETIC; Over time, the fillings change color or become stained. Although the change in the appearance of the fillings does not pose a health risk at times, it will cause an unpleasant appearance in the mouth. Nowadays, it is possible to get rid of these unpleasant images by using special filling materials in the same color as the teeth instead of metal-colored fillings.

DENTAL DISEASES; Many patients are unaware that they will lose their teeth due to gum disease. Even teeth without decay can be lost due to gum disease. This process goes very slowly. Bone loss follows gingival recession, and when the supporting tissues of the tooth dissolve, the loss of the tooth is inevitable. When your dentist detects this disease, he will talk about the measures to stop the disease from progressing.

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The Effect of Teeth on Speaking Properly

The Effect of Teeth on Speaking Properly

Speech is one of the most important elements of human relationships. Some professions are completely based on proper speech. These professions; Some professions, such as politics, acting, speaking, singing, and lawyers, rely heavily on proper speech.
In proper speech, teeth also play an important role in addition to many elements and education.

The examples below highlight this role.
DE and TE sounds emerge when the tip of the tongue is supported by the inclination of the upper incisors on the palate side.
FE and VE sounds are produced when the lower lip touches the cutting edges of the upper incisors.
SE sound comes out with a complicated process. It occurs when the upper and lower incisors are in contact with each other, while the tongue receives support from the tongue side of the molars and the tip of the tongue (making a groove between the incisors) creates an air tube. CE and JE sounds are performed in a similar process; but meanwhile, the tip of the tongue does not join the task.
Teeth, jaw bones, gums, tongue, palate, all of these, chewing, taste. They carry out their duties related to swallowing and speaking as a whole.

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Dental Problems Requiring Emergency Response

Dental Problems Requiring Emergency Response


Food deposits on the aching tooth and between the teeth should be cleaned using a toothbrush and dental floss, and the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with salt water obtained by adding half a teaspoon of salt to half a glass of water.
Absolutely, ASPIRIN or any pain medication should not be applied on the aching tooth. Due to their chemical nature, such drugs can cause irritation in the gums and surrounding soft tissues. This will cause a second pain besides toothache.
If there is swelling on the face due to inflammation, a cold compress should be applied to that area.
Before going to the dentist, a pain medication can be taken.
If there is a cavity on the tooth due to caries, cotton soaked with a little clove oil (eugenol) can be placed here. Eugenol will provide pain relief. However, when performing this procedure, excess eugenol should not be used to leak into the gums. Because clove oil also destroys soft tissues, a dentist should be consulted as soon as possible.

Tooth fracture / Tooth Injury

With the thought that it can help the treatment, if possible, the broken tooth should be found and protected. The dentist should be visited within 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, if there is bleeding in the area, pressure should be applied with a clean gauze. If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes despite the pressure application, the nearest health institution should be consulted.
Tooth fractures, moving or dislodging teeth, injuries to mouth tissues, and concussion are often seen in basketball, football, and bg. It occurs as a result of traffic accidents and crashes and falls that occur while doing contact sports. Especially in children who do contact sports, the most appropriate method to prevent mouth injuries and tooth fractures is to use mouth guards.
If the tooth is displaced in its home due to impact, the tooth should be brought to its original position with a slight finger pressure.
It should not be difficult to place the female in her nest.
The dentist should be consulted within 30 minutes at the latest.